
This page will be updated as the community has doubts that we can resolve here in more detail. Do not hesitate to ask in our Telegram group!

1. Confirm/swap/deposit/withdraw failed. What should I do?

  • Step 1: Check the RPC url in MetaMask setting

If the RPC URL is https://rpc-mainnet.maticvigil.com, please change PRC in your Metamask to one of below:

Step 2: If the TX fail, increase gas (5gwei and 500000 gas limit) in the MetaMask confirmation panel

  • Step 3: If swap fail on exchange, set slippage to 1-2% and try again

  • Step 4: Check the polygonscan whether it's congested

If the "Gas Used" is all 99.9%, it means the polygon network is congested, so please increase gas a bit in Step 2, and try again later.

Last updated